About Us

Our Mission

City Schoolhouse works to strengthen children and families by empowering them through active and individualized education, fostering a love of learning, and renewing their community through its people.

Our Statement of Faith

Our faith statement is the Apostles’ Creed, which is a summary of the most ancient and widely accepted, core beliefs of the Christian faith. City Schoolhouse seeks to live out traditional Christian morality and believes the Holy Scriptures are the divinely inspired word of God. Above all, we want our students to know that they are treasured and that they are created for a purpose. Our primary means of teaching this good news is to imitate the life and sayings of Jesus, and to explain him through our actions and presence. We believe that inviting students to feast at the table of learning, and serving them in their most challenging needs, is how we best embody the mission of Christ’s church to the world. Our faith enables us to embody the gifts of the Holy Spirit, which are: courage, strength, knowledge, wisdom, understanding, a sense of awe and reverence, and virtuous action (Isaiah 11: 2-3). We labor and wait, as these gifts grow within us, into the fruits of Christ-like character: “Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, goodness, faithfulness, and self-control. Against these things there is no law” (Galatians 5:22-23). We welcome families professing no faith or other faiths, while respecting our Christian identity. Our instruction remains respectful toward other faiths, while maintaining the truths of our Christian faith.

Who We Are

City Schoolhouse is a neighborhood private school where students come to learn academic, social, and practical life skills. Class sizes range from 10-15 students with two teachers. We teach in developmental age groups, and our teaching is inspired by successful Montessori teaching techniques as well as other best practices for hands-on learning. We incorporate day-to-day practical living skills that our students often do not learn at home in our daily curriculum.

We are provisionally accredited by Independent Schools Association of the Central States (ISACS).

We want all our students to be in a place where, despite their circumstances, they are treasured -- a place where they know they are created for a purpose.


Quotes from Parents

The Two-Generation Approach Helps Mom and Son

A 3 ½ year-old arrived at City Schoolhouse with garbled speech, and when asked a question, was only able to repeat the question back.
Suspecting the child had echolalia, a psychiatric disorder presenting as the meaningless repetition of another person’s spoken words, City Schoolhouse brought in a speech therapist. She worked closely with the boy, utilizing activities, puzzles, music and other techniques and quickly realized he did not have the disorder; he was simply developmentally a bit behind age-level performance.

His single mom was also struggling with no financial, family, or emotional support, limited financial resources, and a less than stable background.

City Schoolhouse encouraged Mom to volunteer at the school, and in just 6 months, they were able to assist Mom in modeling and creating an educational home environment and mentored her to achieving improved job and social skills.

Her son, now five years old, is speaking clearly, communicating well, flourishing, and performing on grade level.

A Peace Corner

A child was pulled out of a Montessori school due to behavioral and learning difficulties.
At most schools, children are punished or reprimanded during behavioral outbursts. One method City Schoolhouse uses is utilizing a “peace corner.” If a child is stressed-out, having panic attacks, or simply having a bad day, he is encouraged to go to the peace corner and relax until he feels better.

This simple activity completely improved her son’s behavior and attitude.
Mom says, “City Schoolhouse gave me my son back!”

Jump Ahead, At Your Own Speed

Another academically high-performing young man was on the autism spectrum, and traditional school teachers were actually holding him back from progressing in math, which was causing frustration.

City Schoolhouse did not require him to stay on grade level, but encouraged and mentored him to continue to learn and excel at his own pace.
He’s now an 8-year-old easily completing fifth grade math classes.

According to his mom, “City Schoolhouse revolutionized my knowledge of learning. They removed artificial barriers to progress and encouraged my son to soar!”

Proven Track Record of Academic Success

In 2018, a working mom with three young children came to us for help.

Mom was working toward her GED, her children were attending a JCPS school far across town, and because they had to catch the bus early each day and mom had to get to work, they sometimes missed the bus, and therefore missed school. The children were singled out and punished for missing school and eventually fell behind.

A formal assessment at City Schoolhouse revealed the 4th and 6th graders were performing 3 years behind in reading and math; however, their JCPS transcripts reported that they were performing ON GRADE LEVEL with a “C” grade average.

At City Schoolhouse, the children were teamed up with individualized instruction and personal mentors, and in just two years, each child had jumped 6 grade levels!

All kids in one place, close to home, safe and comfortable, encouraging environment.

Our Community Photogallery

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2627 Crums Lane, Louisville, KY

Call 502-804-7225